Friday, October 28, 2011

The Jokes Just Keep Coming

A while ago I wrote about the skill my boys have with joke telling.  Well, its been a few months and our joke telling skills have marginally improved.

They finally have mastered the first joke Brandon taught them.

Guess What?
Chicken Butt!

They are slowly getting the knack of telling a knock-knock joke.

Whose There?
Orange Who?
Whose There?
Orange Who?
(Just keep repeating that for infinity)

And then, of course, nothing is funnier then just yelling: UNDERWEAR!  Because 'underwear' is such a funny word to say.

The other day Jack says to me, "I've got a joke for you." Okay, let's see what it will be this time.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9!
(Get it? 7 ate 9!)

Aahh! Yes! That is a funny joke, good one!

Then of course it turned into several variations of that same joke.

Why is 1 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9!

Why is 3 afraid of 5?
Because 5 7 9!


Last night we are driving our car and Jack starts telling this joke again. The first time he nails it, after that it starts going downhill again.  Then Jack tells a new joke.

Why is Sam afraid of Susannah?
Because Susannah ate Sam!

Jack pauses and then says, "I made that one up."

Thanks for clarifying, I never would have know.

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