Monday, June 29, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

This was on our 10 year anniversary last year. We went to our very favorite place, Winthrop, and stayed at the Sun Mountain Lodge.  It was the farthest away we had ever been from our children, but we loved the beauty of the place and the time together.
This was us on our 11 year anniversary. We knew we would either be at the hospital in labor, have a days old newborn, or be days away from having our baby. A big date was not really in the plans.  Instead, we thought it would be fun to do something as a family.  A few years ago we went to Maggie Bluffs for dinner and then walked around the Ballard Locks. We weren't up for a restaurant but thought we could pick up some teriyaki or something similar and have a picnic at the Locks.
Apparently, our anniversary was the day all of Seattle was having some sort of festival. We knew about the Rock'n'Roll Marathon, and the Gay Pride Parade, but we did not know about the Greenwood Car Show - where we tried to pick up take out. Or, the wedding at the Locks just as we were trying to find a parking spot.
We ended up at a neighborhood park in Ballard. All the kids wanted was a playground and because it had been so hot, we wanted a shady place to eat. This park was perfect.  Until we sat down and had a mini-wind storm. The kids were shaking and asking for jackets I did not pack. Finn only had a light receiving blanket because I wasn't expecting it to be cold.  And, all the leaves and tree debris was falling into our meal. Luckily, you couldn't really tell what was a spice and what was dirt so we just ate it anyway.  
The kids ended up having a great time. Brandon and I smiled at each other and said, not quite as relaxing as last year, but exciting to have our family all together.
11 years, 3 boys, countless bike races and cups of coffee, later and here we are.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures! Sounds like just the right kind of anniversary.