Thursday, August 21, 2008

After the Walk

When we got home the other day from our nice little walk to coffee, I realized I had left the back door open. This was even more concerning because our neighborhood has had some break-ins lately. I quickly ran through the downstairs making sure everything was where it should be. When I stepped outside again to check on the boys, this is what I found:

How did he get so dirty???  I'm not really sure. I know the front yard is torn up as we are working on some curb appeal and there is lots of dirt, but really, what happened?  When I told Jack I needed to wash his face because it was dirty he said: "What I've got on it mom?" Umm, dirt, lots of dirt.  

Before we could clean up we had one more project to do outside.

We are in the process of picking out house colors and I was painting sample shades on the outside of the house. I kept hearing, "I'll help you paint" and it was so sweet I finally gave a paintbrush to my three year old. 

Of course the little one also had to be involved.

These pictures made me smile because they remind me of a time when I was little and I painted the side of our house with the help of my brother and sisters.  Little did we know when we were opening cans of paints and using our hands and leaves to paint, that we did NOT have our parent's permission like we thought we did.  Oh boy, were we in trouble!


Michelle said...

I actually thought of that same childhood memory when Jack was showing me what he painted!

Karen said...

The house painting story is one I haven't thought of in years. It's one of those stories that's funny now - 28 years later! At the time it was the straw that broke the camel's back! Our 3rd move within the same year, 4 kids and 1 baby, me inside the house painting and cleaning - then looking out the window and seeing 5 year old Amy holding out paint covered hands... It was anything but funny then!