Saturday, April 21, 2012

And We're Done

The season of birthdays has finally come to a close. We have celebrated our birthdays with (I believe) 7 parties.  And, yes, I am a little embarrassed to write that.  Today we finished the birthday season with an incredible birthday party for the boys.  As much as I L-O-V-E birthdays, I H-A-T-E parties, and especially hate hosting parties. Which is why the boys have always invited one or two friends over for a movie/playdate.  They were happy, I was happy, it was a win-win.  

But this year Micah asked for The Tumblebus. Not that he had ever been on it, or even up close to it, but we would see the bus on the freeway frequently. And just the sight of the big red bus speeding down the freeway, would send Micah into a frenzy.  So, this year, I bucked up and put on a party for both Jack and Micah. There was some stress leading up to the actual event, including the fact that I was sure I had mis-scheduled the date. I was standing on the street 30 minutes early just to make sure the bus was coming!  But the actual party was amazing, and when I asked Micah what he thought of today he said: "It was the best birthday ever!"

Enough said.

Jack turning 7
Me turning 36.

Micah turning 5.

Pictures to come, I hope, of the actual event.  With all of my computer savvy I have managed to overload my poor little computer and I have been forbidden to upload any more pictures. Or download any more apps, or do anything really, until Brandon can fix it.  

Is there anyone else who is as birthday-obsessed as I am?  Feel free to share, I feel I may need to start a support group in the near future!

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