Friday, June 3, 2011

Sister Wives Take Seaside

This Memorial Day marked the 9th trip we have taken to Seaside, Or.  Any long time readers of this blog will surely remember this post on Seaside, and this one, and even this one.  Seaside is such a big deal to me and my family that I forget some people do not even know where Seaside is.  When asked my plans for Memorial Day I respond: "We are going to Seaside". And in that statement I assume the other person knows the history and the importance of this place. I will not rehash it here, I assume if you are reading this you most likely know me and have heard many times why we go to Seaside.

The first year my sisters and I were 27, 26, and 22, respectively. My niece and nephew were 5 and 7 years old.  Besides having amazing weather, this weekend felt like freedom. Freedom from work, responsibilities, parents (sorry mom!) and even spouses.  The sisters picked the food, the activities and the time frame. D & L were great sports about the weekend and just loved the freedom to eat as much taffy and junk food as they wanted. We have never had weather as nice as that weekend. I truly believe that if our first trip had not been so blissfully beautiful, we would never have returned.  The second year it rained, and I mean rained.  We caved on the "no car" rule and drove to the movies, went to a flea market, and I think that is the year we did the aquarium. We still went to the beach but we were wet and cold.

We have had some good years and some not so good years (rain, obviously) since that first trip.  Our group has grown from 5 people to 12.  We first added my mom and Jack, they both took their first trip to Seaside together. My mom at 50something, Jack at 8 weeks.  Then Micah and Rory joined the group. Last year we added 3 out of the 4 spouses and 2 more kids. This year only 1 spouse asked to return.

This year was a good year. It really truly was. Leaving the beach for a hotel in-town was a little scary but the rooms were so clean and the pool was so warm.  Bringing just Brandon as the sole spouse was very nerve-racking, how would that change the dynamics of the group? Last year we started having an itinerary, was that a good thing or is it just my anal personality pushing through.

This year we made space.  We have been very stubborn about Seaside. What we did the first weekend (minus the 3rd night restaurant) is what we do every year.  Long boring souvenir shopping, check; taffy from the candyman, check; ice cream every night, double check; tilt-a-whirl immediately following the ice cream, check; dinner at Norma's and Pizza Harbor, already drooling for next year; sitting on the beach rain or shine, check and check.

The first morning there my older sister suggested moving pizza to Sunday and going to that Mexican restaurant on Saturday night.  'That' restaurant being the one Brandon has been lusting after since last year. I have to be honest, my first thought was no!, but then (as long as Pizza Harbor was open on Sunday) I realized that would be a nice gesture. Letting Brandon choose a restaurant he was interested in and not being told "you eat what you eat and you don't throw a fit".  We ended up at a place that was quite sketch but the best Mexican any of us has ever had.  And after calling and checking in person, we had confirmation that pizza would be open on Sunday.

Taking my mom and at least one spouse has also given us something new: sister time. Early Sunday morning my sisters and I throw on clothes, hats, and glasses and walk to get coffee. Last year was a good 20 minute walk, this year we found a new coffee shop much closer to our hotel. We ordered coffee and pastries and then sat down to talk. I knew it was going to be a good time when I heard this song on the radio.  After about an hour we knew it was time to head back. Kids, mom, and one lone husband, waited for us to return.  As we stood up to leave the owner of the coffee shop said, "I'm jealous. What I just saw was magical".

Walking out I thought she was right.  Sitting and sipping coffee with my sisters in our favorite seaside town is magical.

Only 360 more days and we will be back in Seaside.  Can't wait.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I forgot to mention Sister Wives! Loved it. I read your older posts, then I had to go back and read mine....Seaside is (after marrying B and having J, M and F) the best idea you've ever had!!!