Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Things

First, as I was walking near the mall today I saw this:

Sorry for the glare, but as I was taking this picture the boys were on their way to Target. 
And I had to stop and take a picture, because REALLY?! Azteca is the #1 Mexican restaurant on our side of the mountains? I'm pretty sure the taco truck parked outside Home Depot has better food. Sorry, if I offended any of you die-hard Azteca-lovers, out there. But, it really doesn't qualify for the #1 spot.

Second, I did a double take at this:

Because I swear, this is something one of you serious DIY-ers would see, snap up, take before pictures of, reupholster in amazing fabric you have on hand, take after pictures, and post on your blogs.  Then it would be pinned to Pinterest, because it would be that amazing.

I, on the other hand would haul it to my basement, where it would sit for years, until Brandon asks, "What were you thinking?"

Um, it had good bones? And it was free?

In other news, we had our first picnic outside today and it was marvelous. Made me wish this weather was here to stay.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It probably smelled weird, but the kind of weird smell you won't notice until you get it home, into your house, with the doors closed and then it's like, OMG, what is that odor? But it sure was cute! Cute enough to risk the smell!